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RACS International, LLC

“RACS” hereafter

Contact Info

Copyright © 2017 RACS International, LLC
All rights reserved.

To obtain RACS’ extensive brochure please contact us.

\\ Partnerships

Existing partnerships

RACS is a resident of the IT-cluster of Moscow’s Skolkovo Innovation Center and enjoys significant tax privileges from this residency.

It is also an IBM’s PartnerWorld program member and IBM Global Entrepreneur. As a result it enjoys vast IBM benefits and a close working relationship.

Aspired partnerships and pay as you use marketing arrangements

RACS aspires to develop close working relationships, partnerships and “pay as you use” marketing arrangements with major:

“Successful asset managers will adapt to changing demand drivers by: Designing new strategic engagement models for consultative sales and service.”

eVestment February 2014 survey