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RACS International, LLC
“RACS” hereafter
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\\ Management Team
Martin Jermakyan
Founder and CEO
Martin Jermakyan is in charge of the overall management of RACS – including R&D. He comes into RACS with a PhD in mathematics and physics from the mechanics & mathematics department of Moscow State University and 5+ years of academic experience on the faculty of University of California (Los Angeles) Mathematics Department’s Applied Mathematical Division, University of Michigan’s (Ann Arbor) Mathematics Department and the Finance Department of its Business School, and finally the Banking Institute of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow).
Additionally Martin brings 18+ years of FinTec experience from the corresponding advanced quarters of the US financial services industry. His expertise includes applied mathematics, computational methods and analytic programming; mathematical modeling and financial engineering; financial and commodity/energy markets’ big-
Martin's recent years’ unique Intellectual Property manifesting work involves research in and development of real-
Martin’s non-
“Successful asset managers will adapt to changing demand drivers by: Developing compelling thought leadership that addresses concerns of target buyers”
eVestment February 2014 survey